The average house price on GLENDALE MEWS is £306,045
The most expensive house in the street is 6 GLENDALE MEWS with an estimated value of £480,923
The cheapest house in the street is 2 GLENDALE MEWS with an estimated value of £216,566
The house which was most recently sold was 6 GLENDALE MEWS, this sold on 2 Oct 2023 for £470,000
The postcode for GLENDALE MEWS is TF4 2RX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GLENDALE MEWS Semi-Detached £257,632 £161,500 28 Feb 2014
2 GLENDALE MEWS Semi-Detached £216,566 £174,000 19 Jun 2019
3 GLENDALE MEWS Semi-Detached £230,667 £197,500 20 Nov 2020
4 GLENDALE MEWS Semi-Detached £360,833 £159,950 31 Oct 2003
5 GLENDALE MEWS Detached £289,654 £198,000 26 Jun 2015
6 GLENDALE MEWS Detached £480,923 £470,000 2 Oct 2023